Oct. 30, 2023

The Star Players: Kemp. Alleyn and Burbage

The Star Players: Kemp. Alleyn and Burbage
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The History Of European Theatre

Episode 109:

We don't know a lot about individual players of the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage, but there are three stars of the day that we have some information about.

Richard Tarlton, the Queen’s favourite comic player.

Will Kempe’s origins and early career.

‘A Knack to Know a Knave’ and ‘Fools of Gotham’.

Did Kempe fall out with Shakespeare?

‘Kempe’s Jig’ and last days.


Edward Alleyn’s family and early life.

Touring with the Earl of Worcester’s Men.

Return to London and success with the Admiral’s Men.

Praise of Alleyn from Ben Johnson.

Marriage and events in London while on tour.

Semi-retirement from acting.

Business partnership building the Fortune Playhouse and other entertainments.

Alleyn’s wealth and founding of Dulwich College.

Remarriage and death.


Richard Burbage’s family and early life.

Early career in several troupes.

Leading roles with the Lord Chamberlin’s Men.

Burbage as a character actor.

His continuing long career and death.

Mourning and praise on the death of Burbage.


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