The Life of Ben Jonson Part One: It’s Complicated

Episode 141:
In this episode I set us up for a look at the life of Ben Johnson discussing some of the sources for information about his life and how far we can trust them – it’s complicated.
Jonson’s 1618 visit to Scotland and why he might have undertaken the journey on foot.
His conversations with Drummond of Hawthornden.
Jonson’s opinions on other writers as reported by Drummond and thoughts on their validity.
Descriptions of Jonson by Aubery and Dekker.
The Johnson portrait.
How Johnson might have revealed himself in his work.
How his poems appear to be self-referencing but may not be as straightforward as they seem.
How his plays possibly include some self-revealing aspects.
Admiration of Johnson as equal to, or greater than, Shakespeare.
The modern reader and the problems with Jonson.
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