Welcome to The History of European Theatre Podcast Website and thanks for joining me through millennia of theatrical history.


The Plays

Greek Theatre

  • Aeschylus c.525-c.465 BCE
    • The Persians
    • Seven Against Thebes
    • The Suppliants
    • The Oresteia (Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, The Eumenidies)
    • Prometheus Bound
    • Myrmidons (Fragment)
    • Nereids (Fragment)
    • Hectors Ransom (Fragment)
    • Niobe (Fragment)
    • 71 other plays only known by title and ascribed to Aeschylus


  • Sophocles c.497-c.405 BCE
    • Antigone
    • Oedipus the King
    • Philoctetes
    • Oedipus at Colonus
    • Ajax
    • Electra
    • Women of Trachis
    • Trackers (Satyr play)
    • 120 other plays only known in fragments or by title and ascribed to Sophocles


  • Euripides c.480-c.406 BCE
    • Alcestis
    • Medea
    • The Children of Hercules
    • Hippolytus
    • Andromache
    • Hecabe
    • Suppliants
    • Hercules
    • Electra
    • Trojan Women
    • Ion
    • Iphigenia Among the Taurians
    • Helen
    • Cyclops
    • Phoenician Women
    • Orestes
    • Iphigenia at Aulis
    • Bacchae
    • Rhesus (authorship is uncertain)
    • 62 other plays only known in fragments or by title and ascribed to Euripides


  • Aristophanes c446-c.386 BCE
    • The Acharnaians
    • The Knights
    • The Clouds
    • The Wasps
    • Peace
    • The Birds
    • Lysistrata
    • Women Celebrating the Thesmophoria
    • The Frogs
    • The Assembly Women
    • Wealth
    • 29 other plays only known in fragments or by title and ascribed to Aristophanes
    • 4 other plays only known in fragments, but of doubtful attribution to Aristophanes


  • Menander 342-290 BCE
    • The Shield
    • The Misanthrope
    • Men at Arbitration
    • The Hated Man
    • The Girl With Her Hair Cut Short
    • The Girl from Samos
    • Sikyonioi


Roman Theatre

  • Plautus 254-184 BCE
    • The Casket Comedy
    • The Swaggering Soldier
    • Stichus
    • Pseudolus
    • The Bacchis Sisters
    • Casina
    • The Persian
    • Threepence
    • The ferocious Fellow
    • Amphitruo
    • Asinaria
    • The Pot of Gold
    • The Prisoners
    • The Weevil
    • The Businessman
    • The Haunted House
    • The Punic fellow
    • The Rope


  • Terence c185/195-c.159 BCE
    • The Woman of Andros
    • The Mother In Law
    • The Self Tormentor
    • The Eunuch
    • Phormio
    • The Brothers


  • Seneca 4BCE-65CE
    • Hercules Furens
    • Medea
    • Troades
    • Phaedra
    • Agamemnon
    • Oedipus
    • Phoenissae
    • Thyestes
    • Hercules Oetaeus
    • Octavia


Medieval Theatre

A list of all the individual Medieval Corpus Christi Cycle Plays, Saints Plays and Morality Plays would be very long and largely meaningless, so here are the collections of plays that I used as my primary sources for the podcast episodes in season 3.

On the Blog page there is a fuller list of the plays from the York cycle plays, which give a more detailed idea of the content of individual plays, which in itself is just a snapshot from one particular place and time.

  • Four Morality Plays – The Castle of Perseverance: Magnyfycence: King Johan: And Satire of the Three Estates. Edited by Peter Happe. Penguin


  • English Mystery Plays. Edited by Peter Happe. Penguin


  • York Mystery Plays. Edited by Richard Beadle and Pamela M King. Oxford University Press