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Tim Fitzhigham

Tim Fitzhigham Profile Photo

Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Creative Director

Tim Fitzhigham is the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Creative Director appointed to oversee the revival of St George’s Guildhall. As well as leading this extensive project he is currently completing his PhD on Robert Armin, an actor in The King’s Men who originated many of the clown and fool roles in all but the earliest Shakespeare plays and was a well-known playwright and author in his own right.

Oct. 21, 2024

The Kings Lynn Medieval Stage: A Conversation With Tim Fitzhigham

In October 2023 the story of the discovery of a stage floor that dated from before the Elizabethan period in St George’s Guildhall in Kings Lynn hit the news. The attrition to the headline writers was the fact that that very...