Welcome to The History of European Theatre Podcast Website and thanks for joining me through millennia of theatrical history.


Sept. 2, 2024

The Taming of the Shrew: ‘No Profit Grows Where No Pleasure Is taken’

Episode 133: The complications with dating the play and it’s relationship with a similar Elizabethan play The sources for the play A short summary of the play The Christopher Sly framing device Switching of roles in the play…
Aug. 26, 2024

Richard 3rd at Shakespeare's Globe

Episode 132 My thoughts on seeing a recent production of Richard 3rd at Shakespeare's Globe, starring Michelle Terry in the titular role. The production and the controversy that surrounded it raises questions about gender fl…
Aug. 19, 2024

Richard 3rd: 'And Thus I Clothe My Naked Villainy'

Episode 131: Richard 3rd: ‘And Thus I Clothe My Naked Villainy.’ Shakespeare dramatises the life of the last Plantagenet king and create one of theatre's most spectacular villains. The dating of the play The quarto editions …
Aug. 12, 2024

The search for Richard 3rd: A Conversation with Mathew Morris

Episode 130: Mathew Morris talk to me about the archaeological dig that resulted in the discovery of the final remains of Richard 3rd, which serves as a prelude to the next episode which will be all about Shakespeare’s take …
Guest: Mathew Morris
Aug. 5, 2024

Henry 6th part 3: ‘How sweet a thing it is to wear a crown.’

Episode 129: A brief recap on the dating and sources of the play A brief synopsis of the play The problem of multiple battlefield scenes and the depiction of violence How language in the play is used to underline the changin…
July 29, 2024

John Hall of Stratford-Upon-Avon: A Conversation with John Taplin

Episode 128: Author John Taplin discusses researching the Stratford families of Shakespeare's time and particularly the ancestry of John Hall, Shakespeare's son-in-law. John Taplin spent the majority of his career in managem…
Guest: John Taplin
July 22, 2024

Henry 6th part 2: ‘The Fox Barks Not When He Would Steal the Lamb’

Episode 127: A recap of Henry VI part one and the potential involvement of Christopher Marlowe A word on methods of authorship attribution in the context of Shakespeare and Marlowe The dating and sources of the play A synops…
July 15, 2024

Shakespeare’s Borrowed Feathers: A Conversation with Dr. Darren Freebury-Jones

Episode 126: A conversation with Dr. Darren Freebury-Jones, author of 'Shakespeare’s Borrowed Feathers' about the influence of early modern playwrights on Shakespeare where we talk about Marlowe, Kyd, Greene and others and t…
July 8, 2024

Henry 6th part 1: ‘My Thoughts Are Whirled Like a Potter's Wheel’

Episode 125: A detailed look at the first Shakespearean history play 'Henry 6th part 1' The problems with dating 1 Henry VI How much of the play did Shakespeare write? The relationship of the play to parts 2 and 3 The source…
July 1, 2024

'To Gender or Not to Gender': A Conversation With Margaret Oakes

Episode 124: A conversation with Margaret Oakes about the book 'To Gender or Not to Gender: Casting and Characters for 21st Century Shakespeare’ which explores ways in which gender is being reinterpreted by British and North…
June 24, 2024

Hunt, Grenfell and the Satyr Play

Bonus Episode 36: Sometimes things conspire against the podcaster, as has happened to me in the last couple of weeks, meaning that I have not been able to get the promised episode up to scratch in time. To make up for this …
June 17, 2024

William of Stratford, a Coda: The History of New Place

Episode 123: The Origins of New Place The Clopton’s of Stratford-Upon-Avon The first house at New Place Hugh Clopton and his support for Stratford William Clopton William Bott and murder at New Place (maybe) William Underhil…
June 10, 2024

William of Stratford part 4: ‘With Mirth and Laughter Let Old Wrinkles Come.’

Episode 122: The fourth and final part of the biography of Shakespeare. The rise of Shakespeare as actor and playwright for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. ‘The Comedy of Errors’ performed at Grey’s Inn, ‘the night of errors.’ T…
June 3, 2024

The Afterlife of Anne Hathaway: A Conversation with Prof Katherine Scheil

Episode 121: For this episode I’m very pleased to welcome Katherine Sheil, Professor of English at the University of Minnesota for the second part of our conversation about Anne Hathaway, based around her book ‘Imagining Sha…
May 27, 2024

William of Stratford Part 3: ‘Would I Were in an Alehouse in London’

The lost years of Shakespeare’s early life have given space for some myths and legends to grow over the centuries, before we can trace a few facts of his early life in London. The myth of Shakespeare and the Crab-tree. The m…
May 20, 2024

Imagining Shakespeare’s Wife: A Conversation with Katherine Scheil

Episode 119: For this episode I’m very pleased to welcome Katherine Sheil, Professor of English at the University of Minnesota. Katherine is Author of several books about Shakespeare, but today we particularly talk about he…
May 13, 2024

William of Stratford Part 2: 'He Wears The Rose of Youth Upon Him'

Episode 118: Shakespeare's youth, his school days, religious life and marriage. A couple of corrections to the last episode on John Shakespeare The Shakespeare family's domestic set up. Religion and the life of a child in th…
May 6, 2024

That Shakespeare Life: A Conversation with Cassidy Cash

Bonus Episode 35: A conversation with Cassidy Cash, producer and host of 'That Shakespeare Life', the podcast that interviews expert historians to explore people, events, and objects that were living or happening in Shakespe…
Guest: Cassidy Cash
April 29, 2024

William of Stratford Part 1: 'To You Your Father Should Be As a God’

Episode 117: ‘To you your father should be as a God’. - A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Act 1 Scene 1 The first of a series of episodes covering the biography of William of Stratford. Richard Shakespeare – William’s…
April 22, 2024

Polish Theatre Revisited: A Conversation with Dr Agata Luksza

Bonus Episode 34: Guest Dr Agata Luksza discusses her book 'Polish Theatre Revisited' where she examines theatre fan culture in Warsaw in the late 19th century. Dr Agata Luksza is an assistant professor at the Institute of P…
Guest: Agata Luksza
April 15, 2024

Shakespeare In His Time

Episode 116: As an introduction to the season on Shakespeare this episode gives a timeline of events in Shakespeare's life. The focus is on the best estimates for the dates of all his plays and the reasons for those estimate…
April 8, 2024

Dionysus and Xanthias: The First Double Act

Episode 115: A dive back into Ancient Greek theatre with a look at 'The Frogs' by Aristophanes. A recap on the life and plays of Aristophanes. A summary of the plot of the play. Analysis of the main points raised by the play…
April 1, 2024

From the English Renaissance to Shakespeare and Jonson

Episode 114: As an introduction to season six of the podcast in the first part of this episode I lay out the aims for the next season and the approach I will be taking to the monoliths of early English theatre tha tare Shake…
Jan. 9, 2024

Adventures In Theatre History Philadelphia with Peter Schmitz

A bonus episode where Peter Schmitz of the 'Adventures In Theatre History - Philadelphia' podcast takes us through an overview of the development of theatre in Philadelphia. Peter Schmitz is an actor, dialect coach, and teac…
Guest: Peter Schmitz