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June 21, 2024

The York Cycle Plays

The York Cycle Plays

As featured in episode 54: The Home of the Cycle Plays: York, Chester, Coventry and Wakefield. Released 19th July 2021

This list represents the cycle plays as they were presented in the third quarter of the fifteenth century.

The Bakers – The Fall of the Angles

The Plasterers – The Creation

The Cardmakers – The Creation of Adam and Eve

The Fullers – Adam and Eve in Eden

The Coopers – The Fall of Man

The Armourers – The Expulsion

The Glovers – Cain and Able

The Shipwrights – The Building of the Ark

The Fishers and Mariners – The Flood

The Parchmentmakers and Bookbinders – Abraham and Isacc

The Hosiers – Moses and the Pharoah

The Spicers – The Annunciation and Visitation

The Pewterers and Founders – Joseph’s Trouble About Mary

The Tilethatchers – The Nativity

The Chandlers – The Shepherds

The Masons and Goldsmiths – Herod and the Magi

St Leonards Hospital – The Purification

The Marshals – The Flight into Egypt

The Gridlers and Nailers – The Slaughter of the Innocents

The Spurriers and Lorimers – Christ and the Doctors

The Barbers – The Baptism

The Smiths – The Temptation

The Vintners – The Marriage at Cana

The Curriers – The Transfiguration

The Ironmongers – Jesus in the House of Simon the Leper

The Cappers -The Woman Taken in Adultery & The Raising of Lazarus

The Skinners – The Entry Into Jerusalem

The Cutlers – The Conspiracy

The Bakers – The Last Supper

The Cordwainers – The Agony and the Garden

The Bowers and Fletchers – Christ Before Annas and Caiaphas

The Tapiters and Couchers – Christ Before Pilate (1) & The dream of Pilate’s Wife

The Litsters – Christ Before Herod

The Cooks and Waterleaders – The Remorse of Judas

The Tilemakers – Christ Before Pilate (2) & The Judgement

The Shearmen – The Road to Calvary

The Pinners – The Crucifixion

The Butchers – The Death of Christ

The Saddlers – The Harrowing of Hell

The Carpenters – The Resurrection

The Winedrawers – Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene

The Woolpackers and Woolbrokers – The Supper at Emmaus

The Scriveners – The Incredulity of Thomas

The Tailors – The Ascension

The Potters – Pentecost

The Drapers – The Death of the Virgin

The Linenweavers – The Funeral of the Virgin

The Woolenweavers – The Assumption of the Virgin

The Hostelers – The Coronation of the Virgin

The Mercers – The Last Judgement