July 7, 2024
The Theatre, Petra, Jordan

No trip to Jordan is complete without a visit to Petra. Beyond the tourist hotspot of the Treasury Building is a long valley surrounded on either side by funerary monuments and other buildings. Tucked into the side of the valley, about half a kilometre from the centre of Petra, is a theatre, built in Roman style by the ruling Nabatean people in the 1st Century CE. It is estimated that the theatre could hold up to 8,500 people. Most of the theatre was carved out of solid rock and seems to have been constructed so that a large number of the tombs in the valley could be seen by the audience while seeing a performance. These photos were taken in November 2019.
The Peacham Drawing: Titus Andronicus
'Titus Andronicus' is notable for being the subject of the only contemporary illustration of a Shakespeare play. Known as the Peacham drawing, and currently in the Library at Longleat House in Wiltshire, the seat of the Marquis of Bath, the dr…
New Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon
Featured in episode 123: The History of New Place
Here are three images to help you visualize Shakespeare’s house in Stratford-Upon-Avon, New Place.
The first is a view of the site as it stands today. The side of the house you can see i…